Universal Certification Solutions

Georgia Griva
UNICERT S.A. provides certification services for individuals and legal companies with judgment number 148/21.1.2015., E.O.P.P.E.P. Board of Directors has given UNICERT accreditation in the field of professional qualification certification. The Hellenic Accreditation System (E.SY.D.) has accredited UNICERT S.A. to ISO/IEC 17024:2012 in Person Certification (in 136 schemes). This shows that the certification process is fair and based on proven skills, and it makes certifications valid and recognized as equivalent to those given by National Accreditation Bodies of the Countries-States (European Cooperation for Accreditation).
UNICERT S.A. provides great services and customizable solutions to meet all certification requirements. The certification experience of our executives helps us figure out what our partners need and give it to them. Our examination system was developed by the company's development team and the University of Piraeus' Research Centre. The Center of Excellence PYTHIA in Larissa was founded by UNICERT S.A. and other companies and is one of the major shareholders. Pythia wants to help improve high-volume integration of different types of medical data and AI for digital health transformation.
UNICERT S.A. has 1.900 authorized affiliate centers in Greece. The firm is now expanding its Management Systems Certification services for legal companies in accordance with EN ISO 9001:2015 and EN ISO/ 27001:2013. UNICERT S.A. implements several European projects, SEnDIng (591848-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPKA2-SSA), DIGI4ME (621673-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPKA2-SSA), and PYTHIA are Alliance projects, and we manage other Erasmus+ (KA2 strategic partnerships projects) as well. Lastly, we are members of the “HellasCert"-Hellenic Association Of Accredited Certification And Inspection Bodies based in Greece interested in conformity assessments, operating according to the European standards.